Friday, 30 December 2011

Differences between incandescent lamp and fluorescent lamp (easy way to understand)

Initially I really have no idea what’s on earth we need to study this part of chapter Energy for Food Processing. Thought we have nothing to do with these lamps.

But I finally realised, in Food Technology field, we mainly used these lamps in food processing plants. Thats the reason as simple as that!!

Electric lighting provides illumination (pencahayaaan) of work spaces. Light must be
-          Properly distributed within the space (pengagihan cahaya secara sekata)
-          Sufficient size and efficiency (keberkesanan pencahayaan/tidak malap)
-          Properly supported and easily replaced or serviced (senang diganti/dibaiki)

Differences between incandescent lamp and fluorescent lamp
Incandescent lamp (lampu mentol)
Fluorescent lamp (lampu pendafluor)

Ø  Uses a tungsten filament for current flows
Ø  Uses an inductance coil to create a current discharge
Ø  The current flow causes it (tungsten filament) to glow white-hot
Ø  The heat causes electrons to be removed from mercury vapour within the tube – causes emission of ultraviolet rays.

Ø  This ray reacts with phosphor crystals at the tube surface to produce light

Thursday, 22 December 2011

Probiotic and prebiotic (easy way to understand)

Google is super useful before sitting the examination, rather than looking black white A4 paper to read on notes.
 just photo. never related to me.

In the last test of Food Microbiology, last week, I was not clearly understand about probiotic and prebiotic.
So I cant answered it well.
Thats why I 'google' for better understanding on probiotic and prebiotic so that I wont repeat the same mistake I did.
So guys, this is what pro- and prebiotic all about :

Intro : You have bacteria living in your gut. Some of them could make you sick, however there are also bacteria that are actually beneficial.

When the bad bacteria and yeast become overgrown in your intestinal tract, you have a condition called dysbiosis.
The antibiotics that you take for killing an infection will also kill the healthy bacteria in your digestive tract.

Prebiotics and probiotics can restore the balance of bacteria in your digestive tract.

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that can be found in various foods. When you eat probiotics, you will add these healthy bacteria to your intestinal tract. Common strains include Lactobacillis and Bifidobacterium families of bacteria.

Probiotic bacteria like lactobacilli are naturally found in fermented foods like sauerkraut and yogurt.
Prebiotics are non-digestible foods that make their way through our digestive system and help good bacteria grow and flourish. Prebiotics keep beneficial bacteria healthy.

Prebiotics derived from nondigestible food ingredients thatt beneficially affect the host by selectively stimulating the growth or activity or both, of one or a limited number of bacteria in the colon.


Potluck Fakulti

Potluck fakulti adalah majlis makan2 santai2 dianjurkan oleh Persatuan Mahasiswa Fakulti Teknologi Makanan.. bila saya beri nama program ni Potluck, semua orang hairan sepatutnya Potluck adalah di mana semua orang bawa makanan masing, makan sama2.

Sebenarnya saya pada mulanya tak tahu konsep Potluck ni apa. Saya ingat jamuan biasa. But for me, it is not such an important thing, jadi saya go on dengan nama Potluck ni.. hehe.. tu la cerita dia..
menu waktu Potluck ni : chicken chop, BBQ, sate, mi hun, soto, ice cream dan macam2 lagi..~
Potluck ni hari Jumaat malam. tapi daripada hari Khamis kitorang da mula bekwoh (gotong-royong) memproses ayam. BBQ kitorang marinate selama 1 malam.
Hari Jumaat tu, mula pukul 10 pagi, exco2 dan sekretariat2 mula bekerja persediaan bagi Potluck

Pukul 5 petang, majlis pun bermula.. tapi disebabkan banyak road block hari tu, peserta tiba di Kampus Kota pun da lewat, majlis terpaksa bermula dalam pukul 6 petang.. tapi nasib baik semua acara sempat dilaksanakan..
marinated BBQ

marinated chicken chop
junior (adik bongsu)

the Dean, Prof Che Lah was observing us

pukul 6 - 7, acara formal di dalam dewan; meraikan peserta2 Sukan Antara Fakulti, Perasmian Go Green, Pembentangan peserta2 dr Chiang Mai dan penyampaian Anugerah Dekan

pukul 8, acara tak formal pula.. Allahummabarik......seranggg!!!!!!!

lepas makan, tengok persembahan plak, final year student ni berlatih dalam masa 3 hari je, dalam sibuk2 siapkan final year project bla bla bla.. gereyhh aah you all~ 
 persembahan oleh pelajar tahun akhir :) sporting, happenin, funny, touchin

 lucky draw for luckiesss..

with my classmates (Sem 3)
farzana, farahin, nadirah, shanur, awin

that is all I wanna share upon..
chow chinn chowwwwww~

with Hadi, the mr president of Faculty of Food Tech

Tuesday, 13 December 2011

PALM OIL IS BETTER THAN SOYA BEAN OIL (easy way to understand)


people said.. soya bean oil is better than palm oil WRONG FACT!!

 soya bean oil

palm oil

Lets check this out

Palm oil
Soya bean oil
50% saturated
50% unsaturated
Can be heated to higher temperature (˚C)
When heated to high temperature, the unsaturated fat partially-hydrogenated into TRANS FAT!!

 palm oil seed

Trans fat is EVEN WORSE than saturated fat!! 
To moms out there,, use palm oil is better rather than soya bean oil for cooking~
Thats it.. tadaa

Saturday, 3 December 2011


Kelmarin, dalam class, ada seorang pensyarah (Dr) share cerita dia sewaktu pergi ke Chiang Mai untuk lawatan akademik bersama2 dgn pelajar tahun akhir..

One of the thing, saya rasa x molek bila dia cakap..

“Tandas kat Chiang Mai bersih, tak macam sini, kotor!! Tengok je la kat Pantai Batu Burok (Terengganu) punya tandas, malu saya bila pelajar Chiang Mai datang sini nanti”

Kehadapan Dr yg dihormati, yg Dr bandingkan tandas Batu Burok dgn tandas bandar utk tourists tu buat apa..?? because I believe tandas yg tak dilawati oleh tourists kat sana pun tak lah sebersih mana.. even any countries pun.. bila sesuatu tempat/kawasan memang di target utk pelancong dr luar,, mesti lah jaga baik punya!! Sama juga la macam Malaysia!! Tengok je R&R Temerloh.. (suka turun sana sebab cantik & bersih)

Memang bagus Dr ni share pengalaman dan kebersihan orang2 di Chiang Mai.. TAPI JGN SAMPAI MENGUTUK BANGSA SENDIRI..

Esok tu Dr ni ajar pula pasal Lactose-intolerance (penyakit bila lepas minum susu, terus sakit perut)..

Dr cakap “Majoriti orang Asia tak minum susu, tak mcm Mat Salleh..dulu saya praktikal supervisor saya pagi petang minum susu, tak macam orang Melayu kita kebanyakan nya tak suka minum susu, sya hairanlah??”

Kehadapan Dr, saya rasa sebab perbezaan iklim/cuaca. Kalau Malaysia beriklim sejuk, salji sepanjang tahun, mungkin semua orang suka minum susu,, terutamanya Melayu.. saya faham Dr nak pupuk budaya minum susu dlm kalangan kami dengan memuji2 Mat Salleh.. TAPI JGN SAMPAI MENGUTUK BANGSA SENDIRI..

Kenapa saya sampai tulis entry ni.. Ikhlas bukan tanda protes atau masalah peribadi dgn Dr ni,, tapi dr saya di bangku sekolah rendah lg saya da dengar bangsa saya di kutuk oleh bangsa saya sendiri.. waktu sekolah dulu memang saya belum terdedah dgn dunia luar lg. Skop persekitaran saya kecil dan hanya menerima apa2 yang cikgu cakap.. Melayu malas, Melayu lupa, Melayu tu, Melayu ni.. yg cakap sendiri org Melayu.. pegeyyyda...!!

Saya bukan racist tapi kalau bukan saya nk pertahankan bangsa saya.. WHO ELSE??!!!

